Documentation for this module may be created at Module:UtilsString/doc
local p = {} local h = {} function p.endsWith(str, pattern) return h.endsWith(str, pattern, true) end function p.endsWithRegex(str, pattern) return h.endsWith(str, pattern, false) end function p._endsWith(pattern) return function(str) return h.endsWith(str, pattern, true) end end function p._endsWithRegex(pattern) return function(str) return h.endsWith(str, pattern, false) end end function h.endsWith(str, pattern, plain) local endIndex = 0 repeat endIndex = select(2, str:find(pattern, endIndex + 1, plain)) until endIndex == nil or endIndex == #str or endIndex == 0 return endIndex ~= nil end -- By function p.interpolate(formatStr, tab) return (formatStr:gsub('($%b{})', function(w) return tab[w:sub(3, -2)] or w end)) end function p.isEmpty(str) return str == nil or str == "" end function p.isBlank(str) return str == nil or p.trim(str) == "" or str == " " -- fullwidth space end function p.kebabCase(str) str = string.gsub(str, "(%u)", "-%1") str = string.gsub(str, "^%-", "") str = string.lower(str) str = string.gsub(str, " ", "-") return str end function p.nilIfEmpty(str) if str and str ~= "" then return str end end function p.notBlank(str) return not p.isBlank(str) end function p.notEmpty(str) return not p.isEmpty(str) end function p._split(pattern, plain) return function(str) return p.split(str, pattern, plain) end end function p.split(text, pattern, plain) pattern = pattern or "%s*,%s*" local ret = {} if pattern == "" then for m in string.gmatch(text, "([%z\1-\127\194-\244][\128-\191]*)") do ret[#ret+1] = m end return ret end local i = 1 while true do local startIndex, endIndex = string.find(text, pattern, i, plain) local s = string.sub(text, i, startIndex and startIndex-1) table.insert(ret, s) if startIndex == nil then break end i = endIndex+1 end return ret end function p.startsWith(str, pattern) return h.startsWith(str, pattern, true) end function p.startsWithRegex(str, pattern) return h.startsWith(str, pattern, false) end function p._startsWith(pattern) return function(str) return h.startsWith(str, pattern, true) end end function p._startsWithRegex(pattern) return function(str) return h.startsWith(str, pattern, false) end end function h.startsWith(str, pattern, plain) return str:find(pattern, 1, plain) == 1 end function p.stripTrailingParentheses(str) local endMarker = "${endMarker}" local index = string.find(str..endMarker, " %(.*%)"..endMarker) if index ~= nil then str = string.sub(str, 1, index-1) end return str end function p.sub(str, s, e) return p._sub(s, e)(str) end function p._sub(s, e) return function(str) return string.sub(str, s, e) end end -- Source: function p.trim(s, charset) return p._trim(charset)(s) end function p._trim(charset) charset = charset or '\t\r\n\f%s' return function(s) s = s:gsub( '^[' .. charset .. ']*(.-)[' .. charset .. ']*$', '%1' ) return s end end function p.Schemas() return { split = { str = { type = "string", required = true, }, pattern = { type = "string", default = mw.dumpObject("%s*,%s*"), }, plain = { type = "boolean", }, }, sub = { str = { type = "string", required = true, }, startIndex = { type = "number", required = true, }, endIndex = { type = "number", default = "#str", }, }, trim = { pattern = { type = "string", }, str = { type = "string", required = true, }, }, format = { formatStr = { type = "string", required = true, }, ["..."] = { type = "array", items = { type = "string", }, required = true, }, }, interpolate = { formatStr = { type = "string", required = true, }, args = { type = "map", required = true, keys = { type = "string" }, values = { type = "string" }, }, }, } end function p.Documentation() return { isEmpty = { params = {"str"}, returns = '<code>true</code> if and only if the value is <code>nil</code> or <code>""</code>', cases = { { args = {nil}, expect = true, }, { args = {""}, expect = true, }, { args = {" "}, expect = false, }, }, }, isBlank = { params = {"str"}, returns = "<code>true</code> if and only if <code>str</code> is nil, blank, or whitespace.", cases = { { args = {" "}, expect = true, }, { args = {"\n\n\n"}, expect = true, }, { args = {nil}, expect = true, }, { args = {"foo"}, expect = false, }, }, }, kebabCase = { params = {"str"}, returns = "The string converted to kebab-case", cases = { outputOnly = true, { args = {"This is a string"}, expect = "this-is-a-string", }, }, }, notBlank = { params = {"str"}, returns = "<code>true</code> if and only if <code>str</code> does not contain only whitespace.", cases = { { args = {" "}, expect = false, }, { args = {"\n\n\n"}, expect = false, }, { args = {nil}, expect = false, }, { args = {"foo"}, expect = true, }, }, }, notEmpty = { params = {"str"}, returns = "<code>true</code> if and only if <code>str</code> is neither nil nor an empty string.", cases = { { args = {" "}, expect = true, }, { args = {""}, expect = false, }, { args = {nil}, expect = false, }, } }, nilIfEmpty = { params = {"str"}, returns = "<code>nil</code> if value is nil or empty string, otherwise returns the given value.", cases = { outputOnly = true, { args = {""}, expect = nil, }, { args = {nil}, expect = nil, }, { args = {" "}, expect = " ", }, }, }, startsWith = { params = {"str", "pattern"}, _params = {{"pattern"}, {"str"}}, returns = "<code>true</code> if <code>str</code> starts with <code>pattern</code>, else <code>false</code>.", cases = { { args = {"Fooloo Limpah", "Foo"}, expect = true, }, { args = {"Fooloo Limpah", "foo"}, expect = false, }, { args = {"Fooloo Limpah", ""}, expect = true, }, { args = {"[[foo]]", "[["}, expect = true, }, }, }, startsWithRegex = { params = {"str", "pattern"}, _params = {{"pattern"}, {"str"}}, returns = "<code>true</code> if <code>str</code> starts with regular expression <code>pattern</code>, else <code>false</code>.", cases = { { args = {"foo", "[af]"}, expect = true, }, { args = {"aoo", "[af]"}, expect = true, }, { args = {"boo", "[af]"}, expect = false, }, } }, endsWith = { params = {"str", "pattern"}, _params = {{"pattern"}, {"str"}}, returns = "<code>true</code> if <code>str</code> ends with <code>pattern</code>, else <code>false</code>.", cases = { { args = {"Fooloo Limpah", "Limpah"}, expect = true, }, { args = {"Fooloo Limpah", "limpah"}, expect = false, }, { args = {"Fooloo Limpah", ""}, expect = true, }, { args = {"Wood (Character)", ")", true}, expect = true, } }, }, endsWithRegex = { params = {"str", "pattern"}, _params = {{"pattern"}, {"str"}}, returns = "<code>true</code> if <code>str</code> ends with regular expression <code>pattern</code>, else <code>false</code>.", cases = { { args = {"Wood (Character)", "%([^)]*%)"}, expect = true, }, { args = {"Wood", "%([^)]*%)"}, expect = false, }, }, }, trim = { desc = "A [[gphelp:Extension:Scribunto#mw.text.trim is slow|performant alternative]] to {{Scribunto Manual|lib=mw.text.trim}}.", params = {"str", "pattern"}, _params = {{"pattern"}, {"str"}}, returns = "The trimmed string.", cases = { outputOnly = true, { args = {" foo"}, expect = "foo", }, { args = {":Category:Link", ":"}, expect = "Category:Link", }, { desc = "Unicode support", args = {" グタンバチの祠 "}, expect = "グタンバチの祠", }, }, }, split = { desc = "A [[gphelp:Extension:Scribunto#mw.text.split is very slow|performant alternative]] to {{Scribunto Manual|lib=mw.text.split}}.", params = {"str", "pattern", "plain"}, _params = {{"pattern", "plain"}, {"str"}}, returns = "A <code>table</code> of the split strings.", cases = { { args = {" foo, bar,baz "}, expect = {" foo", "bar", "baz "}, }, { args = {"foo bar baz", " "}, expect = {"foo", "bar", "baz"}, }, { desc = "Support for Unicode strings", args = {"アイウエオ", ""}, expect = {"ア","イ","ウ","エ","オ"}, }, { args = {"グタンバチの祠, インイサの祠"}, expect = {"グタンバチの祠", "インイサの祠"}, } }, }, stripTrailingParentheses = { params = {"str"}, returns = "The string minus any text in trailing parentheses.", cases = { outputOnly = true, { args = {"Link's Awakening (Nintendo Switch)"}, expect = "Link's Awakening", }, { args = {"foo (bar) baz"}, expect = "foo (bar) baz", }, }, }, sub = { desc = "Equivalent to <code>string.sub</code>.", params = {"str", "startIndex", "endIndex"}, _params = {{"startIndex", "endIndex"}, {"str"}}, returns = "Function returning a substring of <code>str</code> from <code>startIndex</code> to <code>endIndex</code> (inclusive).", cases = { outputOnly = true, { args = {"Fooloo Limpah", 8}, expect = "Limpah", }, { args = {"Fooloo Limpah", 1, 6}, expect = "Fooloo", }, { args = {"Fooloo Limpah", 20}, expect = "", }, { args = {"Fooloo Limpah", -20}, expect = "Fooloo Limpah", }, { args = {"Fooloo Limpah", 8, 20}, expect = "Limpah", }, }, }, interpolate = { desc = "Approximation of [ string interpolation]", params = {"formatStr", "args"}, returns = "The formatted string.", cases = { outputOnly = true, { args = {"${wiki} is a ${franchise} encyclopedia that anyone can edit.", { wiki = "Zelda Wiki", franchise = "''Zelda''", }}, expect = "Zelda Wiki is a ''Zelda'' encyclopedia that anyone can edit." } } }, } end return p