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The Dream Shrine

Documentation for this module may be created at Module:UtilsPage/doc

local p = {}
local h = {}

local utilsCargo = require("Module:UtilsCargo")
local utilsString = require("Module:UtilsString")
local utilsTable = require("Module:UtilsTable")

local SEPARATOR = "#"
function p.dpl(args)
	local dplArgs = ""
	for k, v in pairs(args) do
		if k == "format" or type(v) == "table" and v.value == "format" then
			mw.addWarning("<code>format</code> argument cannot be used here. Format the resulting Lua table instead.")
		elseif type(v) == "table" then
			for _, andedValue in ipairs(v) do
				dplArgs = dplArgs .. h.appendArg(k, andedValue)
			dplArgs = dplArgs .. h.appendArg(k, v)
	dplArgs = dplArgs .. h.appendArg("format", SEPARATOR..",,%PAGE%" .. SEPARATOR .. ",")
	local result = mw.getCurrentFrame():preprocess("{{#dpl:" .. dplArgs .. "}}")
	if not utilsString.endsWith(result, SEPARATOR) then
		return {}
	result = string.gsub(result, SEPARATOR .. ":", SEPARATOR) -- strip : prefix from Category results
	result = utilsString.trim(result, SEPARATOR)
	result = utilsString.split(result, SEPARATOR)
	return result
function h.appendArg(param, value)
	value = tostring(value)
	value = string.gsub(value, "\|", "{{!}}")
	if param and value then
		return "|" .. param .. "=" .. value .. "\n"
		return ""

function p.exists(fullPageName, noRedirect)
	local anchorStart = string.find(fullPageName, "#")
	if anchorStart then
		fullPageName = string.sub(fullPageName, 1, anchorStart - 1)
	local queryResults = utilsCargo.query("_pageData", "_pageName, _isRedirect", {
		where = utilsCargo.allOf({
			_pageName = fullPageName
	return #queryResults > 0 and (not noRedirect or queryResults[1]._isRedirect == "0")

function p.fullUrl(page, queryParams)
	local baseUrl = .. "/"
	local pageUrl = baseUrl ..  mw.uri.encode(page, "WIKI")
	if queryParams then
		local encodedParams = {}
		for k, v in pairs(queryParams) do
			local param = k .. "=" .. mw.uri.encode(tostring(v), "QUERY")
			table.insert(encodedParams, param) 
		local queryStr = "?" .. table.concat(encodedParams, "&")
		pageUrl = pageUrl .. queryStr
	return pageUrl

function p.getSubpages(fullPageName)
	local title = fullPageName and or mw.title.getCurrentTitle()
	local pages = p.dpl({
		namespace= title.nsText,
		titlematch= '%' .. title.text .. '/%',
	return pages

function p.inCategory(category, fullPageName)
	if (not category) or (not fullPageName) then
		return false
	local title =
	local dplResult = p.dpl({
		category= p.stripNamespace(category),
		namespace= title.nsText,
		title= title.text,
		skipthispage= "no",
	return #dplResult ~= 0

function p.inNamespace(namespaces, fullPageName)
	if type(namespaces) == "string" then
		namespaces = {namespaces}
	local title = fullPageName and or mw.title.getCurrentTitle()
	return utilsTable.includes(namespaces, title.nsText)

function p.isRedirect(page)
	local anchorStart = string.find(page, "#")
	if anchorStart then
		page = string.sub(page, 1, anchorStart - 1)
	local queryResults = utilsCargo.query("_pageData", "_pageName, _isRedirect", {
		where = utilsCargo.allOf({
			_pageName = page
	return #queryResults > 0 and queryResults[1]._isRedirect == "1"

function p.stripNamespace(page, namespace)
	if not namespace then
		namespace = "[^:]*"
	return string.gsub(page, ":?".. namespace..":", "")

function p.Schemas() 
	return {
		exists = {
			fullPageName = {
				type = "string",
				required = true,
				desc = "Full page name with namespace prefix.",
			noRedirect = {
				type = "boolean",
				desc = "If true, redirects are not considered."
		fullUrl = {
			fullPageName = {
				type = "string",
				required = true,
				desc = "Full page name with namespace prefix.",
			queryParams = {
				type = "map",
				keys = { type = "string" },
				values = {
					oneOf = {
						{ type = "string" },
						{ type = "number" },
				desc = "{{Wp|Query string|Query parameters}}.",
		getSubpages = {
			fullPageName = {
				type = "string",
				desc = "A full page name with namespace prefix. If nil, <code>mw.title.getCurrentTitle()</code> is used.",
		inCategory = {
			category = {
				type = "string",
				required = true,
				desc = "Category name with or without namespace prefix.",
			fullPageName = {
				type = "string",
				required = true,
				desc = "Full page name with namespace prefix."
		inNamespace = {
			namespaces = {
				desc = "A namespace or array of namespaces.",
				required = true,
				oneOf = {
					{ type = "string" },
					{ type = "array", items = { type = "string" } }
			fullPageName = {
				type = "string",
				desc = "Full pagename. Defaults to the name of the current page."
		stripNamespace = {
			page = {
				required = true,
				type = "string",
				desc = "Pagename to strip namespace prefix from.",
			namespace = {
				type = "string",
				desc = "Namespace to strip. If nil, any namespace will be stripped."

function p.Documentation()
	return {
		exists = {
			desc = 'Checks whether a page exists using the [[Special:CargoTables/_pageData|_pageData]] Cargo table. Unlike {{Scribunto Manual|lib=mw.title}} this function does not register a link in [[Special:WantedPages]] or [[Special:WhatLinksHere]], nor does it count as an "expensive parser function."',
			params = {"fullPageName", "noRedirect"},
			returns = "Boolean indicating whether the page exists.",
			cases = {
					args = {"OoT"},
					expect = true,
					args = {"OoT", true},
					expect = false,
					desc = "Works for files and file redirects too",
					args = {"File:OoT Bomb Bag Model.png"},
					expect = true,
					args = {"File:MM Bomb Bag Model.png"},
					expect = true,
					args = {"File:MM Bomb Bag Model.png", true},
					expect = false,
					desc = "Ignores section anchors",
					args = {"Impa#Biography"},
					expect = true,
		getSubpages = {
			params = {"fullPageName"},
			returns = "A list of subpages",
			cases = {
				outputOnly = true,
					args = {"Module:Constants"},
					args = {"Module:UtilsPage"},
		fullUrl = {
			desc = "A performant alternative to {{Scribunto Manual|lib=mw.uri.fullUrl}}. Unlike <code>mw.uri.fullUrl</code>, it cannot translate interwiki links. To format the link as an internal link, see [[Module:UtilsMarkup#link]].",
			params = {"fullPageName", "queryParams"},
			returns = "The url for the specified wiki page.",
			cases = {
					args = {"Mipha's Grace"},
					expect = "//",
					args = {"Special:Upload", { wpDestFile = "TWWHD Great Fairy Figurine Model.png" } },
					expect = "//"
					args = {"New Page", {
						action = "edit",
						redlink = 1,
					expect = "//",
		dpl = {
			desc = "<p>This function is wrapper for the [[gphelp:Extension:DPL3/Manual|DPL]] parser function.</p>"
				.. "<p>When constructing queries, keep in mind DPL's [ configured limits].</p>"
				.. "<ul>"
				..   "<li>A single query can return no more than 500 results. (<code>maxResultCount</code>)</li>"
				..   "<li>A single query using <code>category</code> selection may contain no more than 4 categories. (<code>maxCategoryCount</code>)</li>"
				.. "</ul>",
			params = {"args"},
			returns = "Array of results.",
			cases = {
					args = { {titlematch = "Link|Zelda", namespace = "Category"} },
					expect = {"Category:Link", "Category:Zelda"}
					desc = "Repeating arguments",
					args = {
							category = "Lynels",
							notcategory = {
								"Enemies in Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity",
					expect = {"Blue Lynel", "Red Lynel"},
		inCategory = {
			params = {"category", "fullPageName"},
			returns = "A boolean indicating whether the given page is a member of the given category.",
			cases = {
					desc = "Works with or without the namespace prefix.",
					args = {"Characters in Breath of the Wild", "Link"},
					expect = true,
					args = {"Category:Characters", "Link"},
					expect = true,
					args = {"Items", "Link"},
					expect = false,
					args = {"Fakecategory", "Link"},
					expect = false,
					desc = "For pages not in the main namespace, the namespace prefix is required.",
					args = {"Characters by Game", "Characters in Breath of the Wild"},
					expect = false,
					args = {"Characters by Game", "Category:Characters in Breath of the Wild"},
					expect = true,
		inNamespace = {
			params = {"namespaces", "fullPageName"},
			returns = "<code>true</code> if and only if <code>fullPageName</code> (or the current page) has a namespace prefix that is one of <code>namespaces</code>, regardless of whether the page actually exists.",
			cases = {
					desc = "Main namespace is the empty string.",
					args = {"", "Link"},
					expect = true,
					args = {"Category", "Link"},
					expect = false,
					args = {"Category", "Category:Link"},
					expect = true,
					desc = "Can evaluate to true even when page does not exist.",
					args = {"Category", "Category:Flippityfloppityfloo"},
					expect = true,
					desc = "Current page",
					args = {"Module"},
					expect = true,
					desc = "Multiple namespaces",
					args = {{"User", "MediaWiki"}, "Princess Zelda"},
					expect = false,
					args = {{"User", "MediaWiki"}, "User:Abdullah"},
					expect = true,
		isRedirect = {
			desc = 'Checks whether a page is a redirect using the [[Special:CargoTables/_pageData|_pageData]] Cargo table. Unlike {{Scribunto Manual|lib=mw.title}} this function does not register a link in [[Special:WantedPages]] or [[Special:WhatLinksHere]], nor does it count as an "expensive parser function."',
			params = {"page"},
			returns = "<code>true</code> if the page is a redirect, <code>false</code> otherwise.",
			cases = {
					args = {"OoT"},
					expect = true,
					args = {"The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time"},
					expect = false,
					args = {"Notapage"},
					expect = false,
		stripNamespace = {
			params = {"page", "namespace"},
			returns = "<code>page</code> with namespace prefix stripped off.",
			cases = {
				outputOnly = true,
					args = {"Category:Items in Breath of the Wild", "Category"},
					expect = "Items in Breath of the Wild",
					args = {"Items in Breath of the Wild", "Category"},
					expect = "Items in Breath of the Wild",
					args = {"Category:Items in Breath of the Wild", "File"},
					expect = "Category:Items in Breath of the Wild",
					args = {"File:TWWHD Tingle Model.png", "File"},
					expect = "TWWHD Tingle Model.png",
					args = {"File:TWWHD Tingle Model.png"},
					expect = "TWWHD Tingle Model.png",
					args = {":Category:Items in Breath of the Wild"},
					expect = "Items in Breath of the Wild",

return p