After the surface was resettled following the Sky Era, a rivalry simmered between different groups on the Surface. The war was sparked by a faction of powerful magic-wielders—later referred to as the Interlopers—who sought to dominate the Sacred Realm and seize the Triforce, the divine relic left behind by the goddesses. Their greed for ultimate power led to chaos, as their dark sorcery threatened the natural order of the world.
The Interlopers created forbidden magic, which included artifacts such as the Fused Shadow, to overwhelm their enemies and assert control. However, their ambition was thwarted by the intervention of the Light Spirits, divine beings charged with protecting Hyrule. The Light Spirits sealed the Interlopers’ magic and banished them to the Twilight Realm, a shadowy prison created by the goddesses. Stripped of their power, the Interlopers and their descendants became the Twili, adapting to their exile in the new dimension[1].
Light Spirit Lanayru's Version
Translation Source: Lorulean Historian
我が名は ラネール
“My name is Lanayru.”
“Because of you, we spirits of light have been able to revive here in Hyrule once more.”
“O divinely chosen hero.”
“You seek a black power.”
ハイリア湖の水底に眠る 神殿の中に・・・
“It sleeps within the temple at the bottom of Lake Hylia…”
“… However, you mustn’t ever forget this.”
それは、我らが神の命により 封じ込めた禁断の力であることを・・・
“It was by the order of the gods that we sealed away that forbidden power…”
混沌とし何もない世界に 神々は降臨し生命と秩序を造られ
“When the world was naught but chaos, the gods descended and established life and order.”
そして、全ての者達に 平等に力を与え天へお戻りになられた
“And then, after bestowing power equally to everyone, they returned to the heavens.”
“The ground where the gods first descended came to be known as a sacred land.”
世界は 長きにわたり信心深い者達の心で 平安であった...
“The world knew peace for a very long time because of the hearts of the faithful…”
“However, eventually a rivalry occurred over Hyrule, the sacred land.”
“Amidst the people, there appeared those who excelled at sorcery.”
“They tried to govern the sacred land with their powerful magic.”
しかし、神は 我ら光の精霊を遣わし
“However, the gods dispatched us spirits of light.”
その者達の巨大なる魔力を 封じこませたのだ
“We managed to seal away their enormous magic.”
“And it’s that magic…”
“That black power… that is the Fused Stone of Shadow.”
“O divinely chosen hero, please take care…”
“You should know that those possessing such a dangerous power will, before long, be ruled by it.”
“You mustn’t forget that…”