In the vast, enchanting world of "Tears of the Kingdom," adventurers traverse through sprawling landscapes, uncover ancient ruins, and solve intricate puzzles that reveal the secrets of Hyrule. Among these mysteries, the secret stone room stands as a testament to the game's depth and the hidden lore waiting to be discovered by the most dedicated explorers.
The interior of the secret stone room is as mysterious as its exterior is unassuming. The room is adorned with ornate dragon sculptures, featuring a stone lotus at the center of the room, with seven stamens, resembling the claws of a dragon. Continuing through the chamber reveals another, circular room which contains a sculpted view of the surface of Hyrule from a time long past.
Central to the room is a pedestal that holds an artifact of unknown power, the "Tears of the Kingdom" — a gemstone that pulsates with a light mirroring the night sky found within Hyrule. Scholars and adventurers alike speculate on its purpose, with theories ranging from it being a key to unlocking further secrets of the Zonai.