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The Dream Shrine
Revision as of 09:50, 6 August 2024 by MagicPixieDreamGirl (talk | contribs) (Created page with "local p = {} local h = {} local utilsString = require("Module:UtilsString") local utilsTable = require("Module:UtilsTable") local CLASS_TOOLTIP = require("Module:Constants/class/tooltip") local function tag(tag, attributes, styles) return function(content) return tostring(mw.html.create(tag) :attr(attributes or {}) :css(styles or {}) :wikitext(content)) end end local function extensionTag(tag, defaultArgs) return function(content, overrideArgs) local...")
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Documentation for this module may be created at Module:UtilsMarkup/Format/doc

local p = {}
local h = {}

local utilsString = require("Module:UtilsString")
local utilsTable = require("Module:UtilsTable")

local CLASS_TOOLTIP = require("Module:Constants/class/tooltip")

local function tag(tag, attributes, styles)
	return function(content)
		return tostring(mw.html.create(tag)
			:attr(attributes or {})
			:css(styles or {})
local function extensionTag(tag, defaultArgs)
	return function(content, overrideArgs)
		local args = utilsTable.merge({}, defaultArgs or {}, overrideArgs or {})
		return mw.getCurrentFrame():extensionTag(tag, content, args) .. "\n" -- tags like <pre> don't work properly without the newline

function p.bold(text) 
	return tag("b")(text)

function p.class(class, text)
	return tag("span", { class = class })(text)

function p.code(text)
	return "<code>" .. text .. "</code>"

function p.heading(level, content)
	local headingTag = string.rep("=", level)
	return "\n" .. headingTag .. content .. headingTag .. "\n"

function p.italic(text) 
	return tag("i")(text)

function p.inline(text, options)
	options = options or {}
	if options.nowiki then
		text = mw.text.nowiki(text)
	if options.code then
		text = p.code(text)
	if options.italic then
		text = p.italic(text)
	if options.bold then
		text = p.bold(text)
	if options.tooltip then
		text = p.tooltip(text, options.tooltip)
	if options.class then
		text = p.class(options.class, text)
	return text

function p.lua(content, options)
	local wrapLines = options and options.wrapLines
	local attrs = {}
	if type(content) ~= "string" then
		content = utilsTable.print(content)
	if wrapLines == false then
		attrs.class = "nowrapLines"
	return p.syntaxHighlight("lua")(content or "nil", attrs)

function p.pre(text, options)
	options = options or {}
	local attrs = {}
	local wrapLines = options and options.wrapLines
	if wrapLines == false then = "white-space: pre;"
	return extensionTag("pre", attrs)(text)

function p.separateMarkup(text)
	local firstMarkupIndex = string.find(text, "[<%[]")
	local firstStripMarkerIndex = string.find(text, "\127'\"`UNIQ")
	firstMarkupIndex = h.min(firstMarkupIndex, firstStripMarkerIndex)
	local markup = ""
	if firstMarkupIndex then
		markup = string.sub(text, firstMarkupIndex, #text)
		text = string.sub(text, 1, firstMarkupIndex - 1)
		if utilsString.endsWith(text, " ") then
			text = utilsString.trim(text)
			markup = " "..markup
	return text, markup

function p.syntaxHighlight(lang, args)
	local args = utilsTable.merge({}, args or {}, {
		lang = lang
	return extensionTag("syntaxHighlight", args)

function p.tooltip(baseText, tooltipText)
	local attrs = {
		class = CLASS_TOOLTIP,
		title = tooltipText,
	return tag("span", attrs)(baseText)

function h.min(a, b)
	if a == nil or b == nil or a == b then
		return a or b
	elseif b < a then
		return b
		return a

function p.Schemas()
	return {
		bold = {
			text = { 
				type = "string",
				required = true,
				desc = "The text to bold." 
		code = {
			text = { 
				type = "string",
				required = true,
				desc = "The text to render monospaced." 
		italic = {
			text = { 
				type = "string",
				required = true,
				desc = "The text to italicize." 
		inline = {
			text = { type = "string", required = true, },
			options = {
				type = "record",
				desc = "Formatting options are applied in the reverse order in which they are listed below. In other words, <code>nowiki</code> is always the outermost tag and <code>i</code> is always the innermost.",
				properties = {
						name = "nowiki",
						type = "boolean",
						name = "code",
						type = "boolean",
						name = "class",
						type = "string",
						name = "tooltip",
						type = "string",
						name = "bold",
						type = "boolean",
						name = "italic",
						type = "boolean",
		heading = {
			level = { 
				type = "number",
				required = true,
				desc = "The heading level." ,
			text = { 
				type = "string", 
				required = true,
				desc = "The heading text.",
		tooltip = {
			baseText = {
				type = "string",
				required = true,
				desc = "The text to receive a tooltip.",
			tooltipText = {
				type = "string",
				required = true,
				desc = "The text to display on hover.",
		pre = {
			text = {
				type = "string",
				required = true,
				desc = "Text to render as preformatted.",
			options = {
				type = "record",
				properties = {
						name = "wrapLines",
						type = "boolean",
						default = true,
						desc = "If set to <code>false</code>, prevents lines from wrapping by setting [ white-space] to <code>pre</code>."
		lua = {
			text = { 
				type = "string",
				required = true,
				desc = "A string of text to format as Lua code."
			options = {
				type = "record",
				properties = {
						name = "wrapLines",
						type = "boolean",
						default = true,
						desc = "If set to <code>false</code>, prevents lines from wrapping by setting [ white-space] to <code>pre</code>."

function p.Documentation() 
	return {
		bold = {
			params = {"text"},
			returns = "The bolded text.",
			cases = {
					args = { "Fooloo Limpah" },
					expect = "<b>Fooloo Limpah</b>",
		italic = {
			params = {"text"},
			returns = "The italicized text.",
			cases = {
					args = { "Fooloo Limpah" },
					expect = "<i>Fooloo Limpah</i>",
		class = {
			params = {"class", "text"},
			returns = "Text wrapped in a span tag with the given class string.",
			cases = {
					args = {"term error", "Fooloo Limpah"},
					expect = [[<span class="term error">Fooloo Limpah</span>]]
		heading = {
			params = {"level", "text"},
			returns = "<code>string</code> of text for the heading",
			cases = {
				outputOnly = true,
					args = {2, "Section"},
					expect = "\n==Section==\n",
					args = {3, "Sub-section"},
					expect = "\n===Sub-section===\n"
		tooltip = {
			params = {"baseText", "tooltipText", "type"},
			returns = "Text with a tooltip.",
			cases = {
					args = {"hover over me", "hello world!"},
					expect = '<span title="hello world!" class="tooltip">hover over me</span>'
		code = {
			params = {"text"},
			returns = "The formatted text.",
			cases = {
					args = {"code stuff"},
					expect = "<code>code stuff</code>",
		inline = {
			params = {"text", "options"},
			returns = "The formatted text.",
			cases = {
					args = {"Fooloo Limpah", {
							class = "error",
							tooltip = "Don't steal them!",
							bold = true, 
							italic = true, 
					expect = [[<span class="error"><span title="Don't steal them!" class="tooltip"><b><i>Fooloo Limpah</i></b></span></span>]],
					args = {"{{Foo}}", {
							code = true,
							nowiki = true,
							bold = true,
					expect = "<b><code>&#123;&#123;Foo&#125;&#125;</code></b>",
		pre = {
			params = {"text", "options"},
			returns = "A block of pre-formatted text.",
			cases = {
				resultOnly = true,
					args = {
		lua = {
			params = {"text", "options"},
			returns = "A block of pre-formatted, syntax-highlighted Lua code",
			cases = {
				resultOnly = true,
					args = { 
		return foo
		separateMarkup = {
			desc = "Separates plain text from any wikitext markup that follows it. Used by [[:Category:List templates|list templates]] such as [[Template:Term List]], [[Template:Gallery List]], [[Template:Wares]], etc.",
			params = {"text"},
			returns = {
				"<code>text</code> with trailing markup stripped off",
				"Any trailing markup from <code>text</code>, or an empty string if there is none.",
			cases = {
				outputOnly = true,
					args = {"Some Text <sup>Some Markup</sup>"},
					expect = {"Some Text", " <sup>Some Markup</sup>"},
					args = {"Some Text"},
					expect = {"Some Text", ""},

return p